The myth of being ‘self-made’I came. I saw. I conquered. Or so the cliché goes in entrepreneurship. Hard work is not to be underestimated in any field, none so much as…Sep 14, 20221Sep 14, 20221
What is success?We’ve all been there. A seemingly innocent group chat explodes into tens if not hundreds of notifications in response to a single post…Aug 5, 20221Aug 5, 20221
6 Things I learnt from Karate Kid: the wisdom of Nariyoshi MiyagiThe 1984 Karate Kid franchise has been re-awakened by the recent Cobra Kai series from Netflix. Karate Kid follows the journey of a…Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021
How do we improve vaccine uptake in older adults from ethnic minorities?Young men and women arrived from Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent to the UK in search of better life from the late…Nov 4, 2021Nov 4, 2021
Juggling Fire DailyI remember a few years back reading an article from Amandip Sidhu who lost his brother Jagdip, to suicide.Oct 31, 2021Oct 31, 2021
Death is my motivator: what’s yours?My friend had lost her father. I couldn’t help but break down on the phone: I felt her suffering. This was in April. It was after several…Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020
Publishing, competition and social media: a messy combinationIt was utterly heartbreaking to read a Twitter thread from a medical student, about the resentment and competition amongst medical…Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020
Where You From?Firstly I’d like to note I’m not black. In light of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, some people have asked me how to be anti-racist. One…Jun 21, 2020Jun 21, 2020
Turn the light on the virus: more testing yesterdayWe are in the midst of a fight against something we cannot see. It’s like fighting something in the dark. We must turn the light on our…Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Published inFamily Medicine Case Notes from the COVID-19 FrontlinesPrimary care & Coronavirus (COVID 19): key guidance, information and supportAs a family doctor (General Practitioner, GP) we stick to a pattern we take a history, perform an examination, make a diagnosis and…Mar 27, 20202Mar 27, 20202